About K+S
About K+S

We are customer-focused, market-oriented and sustainable

K+S is an independent, customer-focused supplier of mineral products for the agriculture, industry, consumer, and community sectors.

K+S employees stand together in the form of hammers and irons

Who we are

K+S is an internationally oriented raw materials company with production sites in Europe as well as North and South America. More than 11,000 employees around the world make K+S successful and dynamic.

The executive bodies of K+S

The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of K+S Aktiengesellschaft are committed to responsible as well as transparent corporate governance and control focused on long-term value creation.

About K+S

Anchored locally - positioned globally

K+S is one of the world's largest salt producers and belongs to the top group of international potash suppliers. We extract and refine mineral raw materials on four continents for customers all over the world.


About K+S sites

50 sites on five continents

Regionally sourced, worldwide. The K+S Group has production sites in Europe, North, Central, and South America, with additional distribution sites in Africa and Asia.

More information

Learn more about our Company:


Do you have any questions? We will be happy to assist you.

Michael Wudonig
Spokesman for corporate topics