The K+S Board of Executive Directors
The Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft conducts the business of the Company in accordance with the law, the Articles of Association and its bylaws as well as in consideration of the resolutions adopted by the Annual General Meeting. It furthermore represents the Company in relation to third parties. The Board of Executive Directors comprises four members.
Dr. Burkhard Lohr
Dr. Burkhard Lohr was born in Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia) in 1963. After studying Business Administration at the University of Cologne, he joined Mannesmann AG in 1991. From 1993 he held various positions at Hochtief AG, Essen, including member of the Executive Board of the Munich branch and CFO of Hochtief Construction AG, Essen.
In 2001, Burkhard Lohr received his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) from the Technical University of Braunschweig. Since 2006, as CFO of Hochtief AG, he was responsible for Finance, Investor Relations, Accounting, Controlling and Taxes. In 2008, he also assumed the position of Labor Relations Director.
Since 2022, he is Member of the Board of Executive Directors of the International Fertilizer Association (IFA).
In 2012, he was appointed to the Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft, where he became Chairman on May 12, 2017. He is responsible for the central functions 'Communications & Investor Relations', 'Compliance, Risk & Internal Auditing', 'Corporate Board Office & Corporate Secretary', 'Corporate Development & Innovation', 'Health, Safety, Sustainability, Quality', 'Legal, Tax, Governance & Regulatory Affairs', 'Major Claims' and 'Supply Chain'.
Dr. Burkhard Lohr is married.
Supervisory board mandates: -
Christina Daske
Christina Daske was born in Kassel (Hesse) in 1985. In parallel to her studies in Industrial Engineering with a focus on Mechanical Engineering and Economics at the University of Kassel, she completed an apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic at Bombardier Transportation GmbH and Volkswagen AG.
After starting her career in project management at Bombardier, she joined K+S in 2012. Professional positions included Head of Purchasing, Officer to the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors, and Head of Corporate Secretary. In 2019, she assumed the role of Head of Corporate Development and Innovation. Following the successful sale of the Americas business unit, she was responsible for developing the new corporate strategy. In 2021, she took over the management of the production of all active potash and rock salt plants of the K+S Group.
Besides her activities for K+S, Christina Daske is a member of the presidium of the Verband der Kali- und Salzindustrie e.V. (Association of the Potash and Salt Industry) and has been an honorary judge at the Kassel Labor Court since 2021.
The Supervisory Board of K+S Aktiengesellschaft has appointed Christina Daske to the Board of Executive Directors of the Company as the new Labor Director as of December 1, 2023.
Christina Daske is married.
Supervisory Board mandates: -
Dr. Christian H. Meyer
Dr. Christian H. Meyer was born in Oldenburg (Lower Saxony) in 1971. After studying Business Administration at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Christian H. Meyer received his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol) in 2004. Since 2004, he had been a tax advisor and auditor and, since 2021, also a partner at Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Audit & Assurance.
In 2013, he also assumed a lectureship for Group Accounting and dealt with current issues regarding the reporting of capital market-oriented groups at the Georg-August University in Göttingen.
Since March 15, 2023 he has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer to the Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft. He is responsible for the central functions 'Finance & Controlling', 'Procurement' and 'IT'.
Dr. Christian H. Meyer is married.
Supervisory board mandates: -
Dr. Carin-Martina Tröltzsch
Dr. Carin-Martina Tröltzsch was born in Bergisch Gladbach (North Rhine-Westphalia) in 1968. After studying Agricultural Sciences at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn, Carin-Martina Tröltzsch received her doctorate there in 1995. Since 1996, she has held various positions at DuPont de Nemours, including Sales Manager Germany, Logistics Operations Leader EMEA and Managing Director Germany, as well as Business Unit Leader Agriculture for Central Europe.
In 2018, she took on the role of CEO Germany, Austria, Switzerland at Corteva Agriscience, where she most recently served as Head of Business Strategy & Development Europe.
Since February 20, 2023, she has been appointed to the Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft. She is responsible for the central functions of 'Customer Segment Agriculture including associated group companies', 'Customer Segment Industry+ including associated group companies', 'Strategic Projects', 'Production Europe including associated group companies', 'KSPC', 'Technology & Engineering' and 'Research & Development'.
Dr. Carin-Martina Tröltzsch is married.
Supervisory board mandates:
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG