Corporate Governance 5:2
Corporate Governance

Responsible governance & monitoring of the Company

We are committed to creating sustainable value and positioning our Company in the best possible manner to meet the needs of all stakeholders. For this purpose, we rely on responsible corporate management governed by established criteria. It constitutes the basis of our decision-making and control processes.

Relevant statutory provisions as well as our internal regulations constitute the basis for the organization of governance and control at K+S. These include, for example, stock corporation, co-determination and capital market law, the Articles of Association and bylaws of our Supervisory Board and Board of Executive Directors as well as the German Corporate Governance Code.

Please refer to for the complete text of the German Corporate Governance Code. The declaration of conformity of K+S Aktiengesellschaft can be found further down this page.

Beyond the legal obligations, we have defined fundamental values and principles governing our conduct and decisions, while at the same time providing orientation for our entrepreneurial activities.

Declaration of Compliance pursuant to §161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG)

K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Kassel
Securities identification number (WKN): KSAG88; ISIN: DE000KSAG888

Declaration of Compliance December 2024

"The Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board of K+S Aktiengesellschaft declare in accordance with Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act that since the last Declaration of Compliance was issued, the recommendations of the "Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code" in the version dated April 28, 2022 published by the Federal Ministry of Justice in the official section of the Federal Gazette have been complied with and will be complied with in the future, with the exception of the following recommendations:

  • Recommendation G.10 sentences 1 and 2 - Variable remuneration amounts are predominantly invested in the Company's shares or granted share-based and the long-term variable remuneration components are only accessible after four years

The variable remuneration amounts granted to the members of the Board of Executive Directors have been and will continue to be granted to the members of the Board of Executive Directors only to a non-predominantly share-based extent and the members of the Board of Executive Directors have been and will be obliged to invest the variable remuneration amounts only to a non-predominantly share-based extent in shares of the Company, which is why the Company has deviated and will continue to deviate from recommendation G.10 Sentence 1. In addition, the members of the Board of Executive Directors have had and continue to have access to the long-term variable remuneration components after only three years, which is why the Company has deviated and will continue to deviate from recommendation G.10 Sentence 2. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, the existing structure of the variable remuneration, which corresponds to the remuneration system approved by the Annual General Meeting, also achieves an incentive structure that is geared to the sustainable and long-term development of the Company. In addition, the company-specific consequences, effects, and acceptance of the share-based remuneration rules, which will only be introduced as of 2023, are decisive, also regarding the financial situation of the members of the Board of Executive Directors and have been and will continue to be monitored.

  • Recommendation G.12 - Payment of open variable remuneration components

In the event of termination of a Board of Executive Directors service agreement, the Supervisory Board considers it necessary to be able to decide on a case-by-case basis on the modalities of payment of outstanding variable remuneration components, irrespective of the originally agreed due dates. On leaving the Company, a member of the Board of Executive Directors is no longer responsible for the success or failure of the operating business. It is therefore declared that the recommendation from G.12 of the German Corporate Governance Code has not been complied with and will not be complied with in the future.

  • Recommendation G.13 sentence 2 - Crediting of a severance payment against the waiting allowance

In the event of a post-contractual prohibition on competition, the members of the Board of Executive Directors have been and continue to be entitled to compensation for non-competition, which is not offset against a possible severance payment. The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that a possible severance payment and compensation for non-competition should balance out two different issues, which is why a deviation from this recommendation has been and will continue to be declared.

Kassel (Germany), in December 2024“

K+S Aktiengesellschaft

The Supervisory Board                          The Board of Executive Directors

Previous Declarations of Compliance