
Guiding principles for compliant behavior

With our compliance management system, we ensure that the applicable law, our internal rules as well as regulatory standards recognized by the Company are known throughout the Group and that their observance can be monitored.

We want the principle of "good corporate governance" to be embraced at all levels of the Group. We do not tolerate systemic weaknesses and abuses, either in the area of compliance or elsewhere. K+S pursues a zero-tolerance policy against corruption and bribery.


How is compliance organized at K+S?

At K+S, the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) is responsible for coordinating and documenting Group-wide compliance activities. He reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors. The CCO chairs the central Governance, Risk and Compliance Committee, to which, among other things, the compliance officers of the operating units and our companies as well as other members to be appointed by the CCO belong. The committee has the task of advising on general compliance management issues and coordinating them throughout the Group as well as regularly analyzing the general suitability of the compliance management system and making recommendations for action if adjustments are required. Material compliance violations are reported to the CCO, who reports to the Board of Executive Directors.

Responsibility for compliance lies with the heads of the operating units and central functions. They make an annual compliance declaration and are supported by the compliance officers.

The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board regularly deals with the functionality of the compliance management system of the K+S Group.

Dr. Christian H. Meyer
Compliance is more than just adhering to laws and regulations. It is an essential part of our corporate culture. All our employees contribute to protecting the reputation and integrity of our K+S.
Dr. Christian H. Meyer
K+S Compliance Hotline

If something's wrong, do the right thing

In order to maintain the integrity of the K+S Group and avert potential damage, it is our concern to be informed about all potential ethics and compliance violations. 

Poster Compliance Hotline 2020_EN

Every employee is called upon to report compliance violations known to them or concrete suspected cases, preferably to their supervisor, the Compliance Officer responsible, or by e-mail to

In addition, employees and third parties can use our secure electronic whistleblower system "SPEAK UP!" to report possible or actual violations of laws or regulations - also anonymously - and to ask questions about compliance issues. The "SPEAK UP!" whistleblower system is a platform through which reports can be submitted by telephone or electronically. 

For a greater clarity we categorized some compliance areas. You can choose from the categories listed below:

  • Bribery, Corruption, Conflict of Interest, Gifts and Entertainment
  • Anti-competitive behavior, Money laundering
  • Fraud, Breach of trust, Theft, Abuse or Fraud with Company Benefits
  • Breach of Data Privacy Laws
  • Health, Safety, Environment (i.a. as per Supply Chain Act)
  • Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation
  • Ethical malpractice/ Violations of social standards and human rights (i.a. as per Supply Chain Act)
  • Other violations of the company values, internal guidelines or legal requirements

If you are not sure which category to choose, please select “Other violations of the company values, internal guidelines or legal requirements” or contact the compliance department directly.

"SPEAK UP!" is multilingual, available seven days a week, 24 hours a day and can be reached via the following link:

K+S Compliance Hotline SPEAK UP!

After submitting a report, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within seven days. You will receive a status report on your report after three months at the latest.

We always follow up on information about possible compliance violations. The reports are received and processed by the central compliance department for investigation. If a subsidiary is involved in the report, the responsible local compliance office may also be involved in the processing. Any compliance violations discovered are consistently and appropriately punished. 

There is, of course, no basis for being worried about any negative consequences in the event of filing a report.


Questions about compliance?

Sascha Gaipl-Hottenroth
Chief Compliance Officer K+S Aktiengesellschaft
Julian Rausch
Compliance Officer K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH
K+S Compliance Team
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