Wittenheim at a glance
The plant is supplied daily by rail with potassium chloride from the German mines. Thanks to its large storage capacities, K+S France Wittenheim is an important logistics platform for K+S. A large proportion of the products intended for the French market pass through the site and are then dispatched by train or truck. K+S France Wittenheim owns a bagging plant and a fertilizer mixing plant. K+S France Wittenheim has 47 employees.

The history of Wittenheim

2007 - Press granulation of Korn-KALI
2004 - Purchase of CCW by K+S and integration into K+S KALI & SCPA France
2001 - Foundation of Compagnie de Compactage de Wittenheim by taking over the activities of Sérémine
1996 - Construction of the fertilizer mixing plant
1986 - Closure of the Théodore mine and creation of Sérémine
1912 - Start of potash salt extraction from the Théodore mine
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