Mar 14,
Results of the 2023 financial year
10:30 AM CET
Frankfurt am Main
The Annual Press Conference of K+S Aktiengesellschaft takes place in Frankfurt at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 14, 2024. All documents of the event as well as printable photos are available here.
Documents of the Annual Press Conference
Press photos

Dr. Burkhard Lohr
Dr. Burkhard Lohr, CEO of K+S Aktiengesellschaft, presents the financial figures for 2023 at the Annual Press Conference in Frankfurt.
Dr. Christian H. Meyer
Dr. Christian H. Meyer, CFO of K+S Aktiengesellschaft, explained, among other things, the development in the two customer segments at the Annual Press Conference in Frankfurt.
Video-Interview with CEO Dr. Burkhard Lohr
In the interview, K+S CEO Dr. Burkhard Lohr talks about developments in the past 2023 financial year and explains the outlook for 2024. It also covers the two future projects Werra 2060 and Ramp-Up Bethune.