Finance Trainee Program

The perfect start to your international career in finance

You have successfully completed your business studies, gained first-hand experience and are now looking for challenging tasks and projects? Then the finance trainee program could be the perfect start to your professional future.



I have a personal mentor. So I feel really well supported and very well taken care of in the program."
Laura, finance Trainee

Committed trainees wanted

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You can complete your finance trainee program in several commercial departments like Finance, Accounting & Controlling.

During the 12- to 24-month trainee program, you can apply your theoretical knowledge in an exciting mix of day-to-day business and project tasks. Based on an individually designed schedule, you will experience different business units and production sites. This will be the ideal preparation for you to take on an interesting position within the K+S Group when the program ends.

Benefits & implementation

Get to know the company from different perspectives by working in various departments. Depending on the focus of  your program, you will be rotating to several commericial departments like Finance, Accounting & Controlling. This also includes an assignment abroad at one of our foreign sites. An off-the-job qualification program, tailored to your specific needs, will further ensure your personal and methodical development.  You will also get personal support by a mentor.

After completing the trainee program, you can take on a responsible position. Depending on the focus of your trainee program, you can work in finance, sales, logistics, or other areas.



Then take a look at our job offers for young professionals.

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Lisa Kesete
HR Marketing & Recruiting
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