Product information
KALISOP fine is a highly concentrated compound fertilizer with potassium and sulfur.
- Practically chloride-free (typ. 1.2% Cl) and therefore suitable for further processing in low-chloride compound fertilizers and substrates.
- Fine and homogeneous with ideal flowability even after prolonged storage.
- Ideal for direct application to the root plate in chloride-sensitive plantation crops.
- Extracted from natural crude salt deposits in Germany.
- Approved for use in organic farming in accordance with Regulations (EU) No. 2018/848 and (EU) No. 2021/1165.
- Practically free of pollutants and impurities due to its natural origin.
- Neutral ph-value for trouble-free processing and mixing with other fertilizers and application on all soils.
- Also available in bulk and big bag.
- Not all packaging sizes are available in each country.
K2O, water-soluble potassium oxide (= 41.5% K)
SO3, water-soluble sulfur trioxide (= 18% S)