We set global standards in protecting the environment and climate. These include ESTA — the dry processing of crude salts developed by us, as well as the development of low-emission explosives, and the recovery of nutrients from production water. We have clear and ambitious sustainability goals. Occupational safety and the health of our colleagues take precedence over revenues and profits. Our Research & Development focuses on the efficient and innovative utilization of natural resources.
Sustainability News
How we establish sustainability
K+S strives for sustainability and acknowledges its responsibility towards people, the environment, communities and the economy in the regions in which it operates. The claim is to enrich life for generations and to be a pioneer for environmentally friendly and sustainable mining. This is the basis of the corporate strategy. The K+S sustainability program is an integral part of this.
By defining concrete goals and measurable key performance indicators (KPIs), we regularly review the current state and make our progress measurable.
We have set ourselves ambitious targets in the three pillars of sustainability: Social Responsibility, Environment & Resources, and Governance. We take ecological, social and economic aspects into account in all our strategic decisions.
K+S areas of action
K+S Sustainability Goals & KPIs
Ecological, economic and social impacts of our products
As a producer of products in the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, food production, agriculture and animal feed, as well as for numerous industrial applications, we have a wide-ranging impact on society, the environment and the economy through their manufacture and subsequent use.