Wild spaces

Experience nature – let plants grow

Kassel, 10.06.2021 
Biodiversity is declining and less and less natural habitats are available for animal and plant species. Recent studies have shown that over 30% of insect and bird populations in Europe have noticeably declined. With the so-called wild spaces, we as K+S want to counteract this trend by providing natural habitats for animal and plant species.

Endangered biodiversity

Wild space Braunschweig-Lüneburg plant (2/3)
Wild space at Braunschweig-Lüneburg plant. Initial state: Regularly mowed area. Size: approx. 3.500 m²

Biodiversity refers not only to the variety of species but also to the diversity of habitats and the genetic individualities within the species. Biodiversity is the basic prerequisite for an intact nature. However, biodiversity is under threat, both in Germany and worldwide. More and more animal and plant species are endangered or already extinct. One way to protect biodiversity is the so-called wild spaces.

Wild spaces where nature can be nature

Wild space Sigmundshall plant
Wild space at Sigmundshall plant. Initial state: Regularly mowed area. Size: approx. 150m²

To create wild spaces, it is simply enough to leave the lawn mower in the shed. In your own garden, it is best to distinguish between frequently used parts, which can be mowed more often, and wild spaces, where nature can develop relatively undisturbed and where the lawn mower should rarely or better never go. For example, wild herbs can grow and insects, birds, hedgehogs, etc. find food and shelter through the plants growing there.

Wild spaces at K+S plants

Wild space Bernburg plant (1/2)
Wild space at Bernburg plant (1/2). Initial state: Regularly mowed area. Size: approx. 8.000 m²

The Bernburg, Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Sigmundshall, Siegfried-Giesen, Neuhof-Ellers and Werra plants have given nature free space and allowed wild spaces to grow for more biodiversity. At the Bernburg plant, for example, two areas with a total of approx. 11.500 m² have been turned into wild spaces by no longer mowing the lawns that were originally mowed regularly.

Get inspired for next spring and let a wild space grow in your own garden. In this way you too can make a contribution to more biodiversity.

With enthusiasm we have created generous wild spaces at suitable locations at the Bernburg plant.
Dr. Stefan Mutz, Head of production and technology above ground, Bernburg plant

Environmental protection is important to K+S

There can be no potash production without affecting the environment. We make every effort to keep these impacts as little as possible. If they cannot be avoided at all, we provide for compensation or replacement. We are legally obliged to take such measures. We do, however, add great importance to creating added value for the environment beyond what is required. The K+S wild spaces action is a great example for such a successful achievement.