
Our Contribution to CO2-reduced Agriculture

Geschäftsfeld Landwirtschaft
Agriculture business segment

Natural plant nutrients

KALI Academy®

The knowledge base for plant nutrition


Make use of our toolbox

With our wide range of soil, fertigation, and foliar fertilizers, as well as accompanying advice, we help farmers worldwide to achieve high yields and the best crop qualities.


Soil, foliar, and fertigation fertilizers

Our products and profound agronomic know-how provide farmers with the plant nutrients they need, and therefore help them to achieve best results in the field.

Our product range for fertilization

Our line-up for the Farming Simulator

The globally successful Farming Simulator 22 for PC and game consoles will be released on November 22 – and we are being part of it. You're going to fertilize your acres with our three products Korn-KALI, PatentKALI and epsoTOP.

Research and advice

Field trials, research cooperations, and individual consulting for good yields and best qualities