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Current weak market environment
K+S reduces potash production

K+S is responding to the current weak demand for potash by reducing fertilizer production for potassium chloride by up to 300 thousand tonnes by the end of 2019.

Release of an Insider Information in accordance with Sec. 17 MAR
Current weak market environment: K+S reduces potash production

K+S is responding to the current weak demand for potash by reducing fertilizer production for potassium chloride by up to 300 thousand tonnes by the end of 2019.

K+S Aktiengesellschaft
Board memberships of Lohr and Boeckers extended

Dr. Burkhard Lohr (56) will continue to be Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft until June 2025. The membership, which runs until 31 May 2020, was extended by five years in the Company’s Supervisory Board meeting today.

FGG Ministerial Conference
On the decision of the FGG Ministerial Conference

K+S welcomes the decision made today by the Ministerial Conference of the River Basin Community (FGG) Weser to replace the saline wastewater pipeline to the Oberweser with more cost-efficient alternative measures. The underground storage of saline wastewater is therefore of fundamental importance. The FGG Weser provides clarity for the disposal after it has been confirmed that the injection will be completed at the end of 2021.

Solid Q2 2019
K+S improves revenues, earnings and cash flow

In the second quarter of the current financial year, the K+S Group again achieved increases in the most important key figures. Revenues rose year-on-year by 8 % to € 879 million. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) improved by 24 % to € 130 million.

Temporary storage for saltwater approved
K+S production becomes more resistant to drought

K+S has once again significantly increased the flexibility in wastewater management at the Werra plant. The operation of a facility for the temporary storage of production wastewater in an abandoned mining field, which has now been permitted by the Kassel Regional Council, increases the total available storage volume alone to about 1 million cubic meters.

Extended maintenance period
Bethune improves product quality

As planned for some time now, K+S will again significantly improve the quality of the potash products manufactured at the new Canadian potash plant in Bethune this year. Therefore, the maintenance period planned for September will be extended to a total of two weeks. During this time, the existing facilities will be supplemented by further components for screening and cooling the products.

New facility has been commissioned at Werra plant
K+S increases capacity for magnesium sulphate anhydrous

With the commissioning of a new facility at the Wintershall site of the Werra plant, K+S is now capable of producing significantly larger quantities of the magnesium sulphate anhydrous specialty product, which is in high demand.

Agreement with the municipality of Gerstungen
Most measures already implemented

The improvement of the drinking water supply of the municipality Gerstungen is well on track. A large part of the agreed measures has already been implemented or commissioned. With the expansion of a storage basin with drinking water treatment, the measures are to be completed in the next year. The action plan is part of the settlement agreement that K+S concluded with the municipality in December 2017.

K+S Brine Challenge
Winners of the crowdsourcing competition are from the USA and Australia

The K+S Brine Challenge focused on exploring innovative approaches and concepts to further significantly reduce the saline wastewater from the tailings piles. Ideas were submitted by scientists, companies, institutes, students as well as non-professionals from 16 countries.

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You are a journalist and have questions about our company, press releases or K+S topics? Contact us!

Michael Wudonig
Spokesman for corporate topics
Marcus Janz
Head of Communications & Brands and sites spokesmen
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