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Ad hoc disclosure
Other: Final FREP findings do not result in adjustments to valuations

The German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel e.V. (FREP - “DPR”) has today issued its final examination findings to K+S Aktiengesellschaft (“K+S”) in the procedure for the examination of the consolidated financial statements of K+S as of December 31, 2019, including the associated Group management report, as well as the abbreviated consolidated financial statements as of June 30, 2020, including the associated interim management report.

FREP proceedings
Final examination findings do not sustain material preliminary findings and do not result in adjustments to valuations

The German Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (FREP - “DPR”) today issued its final examination findings for K+S in connection with the examination of the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2019, and the abbreviated financial statements as of June 30, 2020. These do not sustain significant preliminary findings and do not result in adjustments to valuations.

Strong third quarter of 2021
Significant increase in earnings – forecast raised

In the third quarter, K+S again increased revenues and operating earnings very significantly year-on-year. The forecast for 2021 was increased again.

New corporate strategy
Focus on potash and magnesium

In the future, K+S will place its strategic focus on its core business with potash and magnesium products. In doing so, we are keeping a firm eye on the environment, nature and climate protection. Every entrepreneurial decision must be in line with our climate strategy. In this way, we also ensure broad social acceptance of our actions.

Ad hoc disclosure
Statement: Preliminary examination findings received – DPR proceedings ongoing

For the protection of the ongoing proceedings with the Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel (“FREP – DPR”) K+S Aktiengesellschaft ("K+S") decided to postpone the publication of the following insider information. With the upcoming regular reporting for the third quarter on November 11, 2021, K+S is obliged to make this announcement.

Ad hoc disclosure
Forecast K+S Aktiengesellschaft

  • K+S raises operating EBITDA outlook for 2021 again to around EUR 630 million (previously: EUR 500 to 600 million; excluding REKS transaction)
  • Balanced free cash flow expected for 2021 (previously: EUR -180 million; excluding REKS transaction)
  • Antitrust review of REKS transaction still ongoing

Strong second quarter in 2021
EBITDA doubled - 2021 forecast raised

K+S announced the final figures for the second quarter of 2021. As already announced, the EBITDA more than doubled and the EBITDA forecast for 2021 was raised once again.

Ad hoc disclosure
K+S Aktiengesellschaft: EBITDA outlook for 2021 raised to EUR 700 million to EUR 800 million

The Board of Executive Directors of K+S Aktiengesellschaft today raised the EBITDA outlook for 2021 again to between EUR 700 million and EUR 800 million (previously EUR 500 million to EUR 600 million, both including the expected one-off gain from the REKS transaction of around EUR 200 million).

Press release of August 3, 2021
K+S once again raises earnings outlook for 2021

Following the announcement of significantly higher preliminary operating earnings EBITDA of around €110 million for the second quarter of 2021 (Q2/2020: €53 million), K+S has now also updated its full-year forecast for 2021.

Ad hoc disclosure
K+S Aktiengesellschaft: EBITDA in Q2/2021 expected to be significantly above previous year's level

On the basis of preliminary earnings figures, EBITDA for the K+S Group in Q2/2021 amounts to about €110 million (Q2/2020: €52.7 million). The closing of accounts is still ongoing.

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Marcus Janz
Head of Communications & Brands and sites spokesmen
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