Macro- and micronutrients effectively mixed with plant protection products
For increasing the effectiveness of the working process, many users would like to mix our foliar fertilizers with crop protection products. Often there is not sufficient information available from the manufacturers for such mixtures. We present an efficient method to test the miscibility.
The application of macro- and micronutrients via the leaf is part of standard agricultural practice. The fully water-soluble products epsoTOP, epsoBORTOP, epsoMICROTOP, epsoPROFITOP, and epsoCOMBITOP can be used to increase yield and quality or as a fast remedy, e.g. in the case of latent magnesium, sulfur, boron, manganese, or zinc deficiency.
The “Jar Test”

A mixture of crop protection products and our foliar fertilizers requires special attention to miscibility. The so called “Jar Test” is a cost-effective and fast method for testing the miscibility of various products. Solutions of the respective products are added to a sealable, transparent vessel one by one and shaken vigorously.
In preparing a tank mix, care should be taken to ensure that the mixing components are added to water in the right order: Solid substances are added first, then suspensions and finally, dissolved agents. The water temperature should also be taken into account. In general, a product from the EPSO family will dissolve faster the higher the water temperature is. In the case of water temperatures below 10° C, care should be taken to ensure proper mixing. If the mixing partners combine together well, no flocculation or precipitation as well as a marked discoloration, increased frothing or any other reaction should be visible in the mixture. However, a milky turbidity can be normal when certain pesticides are used.
Check pH value
In addition, substantial changes in solution pH can occur when boron or manganese are mixed with insecticides of the pyrethroid group. If needed, a test can be performed with pH strips and the solution tested on approx. 1 m² of crops with a hand sprayer. Please note: the general safety advice on user protection and hazardous substances directives must be observed.