Efficient in energy consumption & emissions
As a resources company, we operate many energy-intensive processes in the entire value chain, from extraction of raw materials and production, to transportation of the finished product. In doing so, we implement effective energy management and use the best technologies on the market. By continuously optimizing our logistics processes worldwide, we help to reduce pollution caused by emissions.
Our ambitious climate strategy

We want to become a pioneer for green potash and salt production in Germany. We have, therefore, set ourselves even more ambitious climate targets than before.
We want to continue to actively advance the energy transition and support the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. We want to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality at our production sites as early as 2045. Under certain conditions, such as the expansion of renewable energies or better grid connections, we can achieve this goal. We are making even faster progress than planned with this ambitious plan: instead of reducing our emissions by 10 % by 2030 compared to 20201, we now expect to be able to achieve a 25 % reduction in our CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2 of the manufacturing sites) in the same period compared to the baseline. In addition, we want to reduce emissions by 60 % by 2040 and achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045.
Our path to greenhouse gas neutrality (base year: 2020)
- 2030 Emission reduction of 25 %
- 2040 Emission reduction um 60 %
- 2045 Greenhouse gas neutrality
We have already significantly reduced our direct CO2 emissions over the past three decades through the extensive use of highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP) technology and the associated switch from coal to natural gas, as well as extensive energy efficiency measures and capacity reductions. Our Werra 2060 transformation project also enables us to save more energy than originally anticipated.
1 The emission value of the base year is adjusted in the event of significant changes in primary production volumes, while maintaining the ambition for decarbonisation.
Our steps towards further CO2 reduction

The planned implementation of several new major measures will enable an acceleration of decarbonization. In general, the ramp-up of renewable energies replaces natural gas. For example, the switch from natural gas to biomass at our Borth salt works.
Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 % from 2020 to 2030 and by 60 % by 2040. There are no plans to use carbon offsets.
- Energy efficiency improvement in Bethune by a capacity increase and the expansion of combined heat and power generation. Modernization and conversion of production to environmentally friendly processes (Werra 2060 project).
- Carbon capture & storage is promoted in Canada and can make a significant contribution.
- Carbon capture & storage for waste incineration in Germany and new capacities in Canada will be crucial for the economic transformation.
- From today's perspective, residual emissions (diesel, natural gas for high-temperature applications, etc.) can only be reduced with hydrogen resp. hydrogen derivatives.
Making energy efficient
Our energy management system contributes to more efficient use of the sources of energy used, and continuous optimization of the Group's energy costs. We operate a DIN EN ISO 50001 certified energy-management system at all of our German companies with production sites. We regularly conduct energy audits in accordance with DIN EN ISO 16247 at all other German companies. A Group-wide concept for energy management is being developed and the introduction of ISO 50001 at our sites outside Germany has begun.
The energy sources used differ depending on the location of the mines and production facilities. 86 percent of the steam and power generation in Germany uses natural gas as the primary energy source, the remaining 14 percent is from energy generated by an incineration plant. Five German potashproducing sites had their own highly efficient power plants, which are operated on the principle of combined heat and power (CHP). They operate at 90 percent efficiency. We also operate two out of seven drying facilities using the CHP system.
Due to the use of solution mining as an extraction method at our new mine in Bethune, Canada, as well as the continuing expansion of the other underground raw material mining areas, and the higher energy costs this entails, we anticipate increasing specific demand for primary energy.
Optimizing logistics processes
Our international logistics network ensures a smooth flow in the supply chain and transports our products to our customers all over the world on time and with the lowest possible environmental impact. Global transporation chains are managed holistically and regularly optimized to ensure a high level of efficiency. The resulting transportation routes are designed to be as short as possible in order to further reduce the impact on the environment. Logistics experts at many locations around the world, work closely with our service providers to optimally align their services with our customers’ requirements.
We will reduce our absolute CO2 emissions in the K+S Group worldwide by 25 percent by 2030.
By 2030, we aim to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) in logistics operations by 10 percent.