Ratings, Rankings and ESG Reporting

K+S presents sustainability performance transparently through environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating/ranking enquiries.

Ratings & Rankings

ESG Ratings & Rankings

ESG ratings and rankings are a useful tool for us, allowing external bodies to assess the sustainability goals, KPIs, and measures developed, as well as the improvements achieved. ESG ratings and rankings help to:

  • Identify and review current trends for the complex requirements in the area of sustainability;
  • Define a common quality grade for sustainability requirements;
  • Update investment decisions made by investors with a long-term focus;
  • Supply content for external stakeholder communication to enhance the company’s reputation;
  • Intensify dialogue between the Group’s departments and optimize improvement processes in sustainability management.

As a sustainability-oriented company, K+S is represented in numerous ESG ratings / rankings. We actively participate in the leading ESG ratings. Below you can find an overview of our current ratings:

K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH scores successfully in in the EcoVadis rating procedure. The four categories environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement were part of the assessment. With 59 out of possible 100 points and the silver recognition level, our company highlights the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in its activities. All achieved scores are well above the industry average - both in the overall rating and in the individual categories.
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH scores successfully in in the EcoVadis rating procedure. The four categories environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement were part of the assessment. With 59 out of possible 100 points and the silver recognition level, our company highlights the importance of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in its activities. All achieved scores are well above the industry average - both in the overall rating and in the individual categories.
ISS ESG ratings are weighted according to an industry classification. As ESG industry relevance increases, the performance requirements rise. The ISS ESG rating system offers 12 different classifications, from A+ to D-. K+S achieved an improvement from C- to C in 2022 and has been in the “medium” range since then. This means that “prime” status (from B-) is only 2 steps away.
ISS ESG ratings are weighted according to an industry classification. As ESG industry relevance increases, the performance requirements rise. The ISS ESG rating system offers 12 different classifications, from A+ to D-. K+S achieved an improvement from C- to C in 2022 and has been in the “medium” range since then. This means that “prime” status (from B-) is only 2 steps away.
The MSCI ESG rating measures a company's resilience to long-term, industry-related, environmental, social and governance risks relative to the reference group. In 2022, K+S achieved an upgrade in the rating from A to AA - and has been in the best class of “leaders” ever since.
The MSCI ESG rating measures a company's resilience to long-term, industry-related, environmental, social and governance risks relative to the reference group. In 2022, K+S achieved an upgrade in the rating from A to AA - and has been in the best class of “leaders” ever since.
The CDP rating is based on a questionnaire designed to transparently identify the impact of the company's activities on climate change and measures to mitigate its environmental impact. Participating companies are assessed and ranked in four successive stages, which represent the steps a company goes through on the way to greater environmental responsibility: Disclosure (D-/D), Awareness (C-/C), Management (B-/B) and Leadership (A-/A). The rating with respect to climate is stable at C, whereas the rating for the resource water is at B.
The CDP rating is based on a questionnaire designed to transparently identify the impact of the company's activities on climate change and measures to mitigate its environmental impact. Participating companies are assessed and ranked in four successive stages, which represent the steps a company goes through on the way to greater environmental responsibility: Disclosure (D-/D), Awareness (C-/C), Management (B-/B) and Leadership (A-/A). The rating with respect to climate is stable at C, whereas the rating for the resource water is at B.
Sustainalytics measures the unmanaged risks of a company in its ESG rating. A low ESG rating means a low risk that a company will suffer financial losses due to non-compliance with ESG requirements. In May 2024, K+S improved its rating to “medium risk”, thus continuing its positive development of recent years.
Sustainalytics measures the unmanaged risks of a company in its ESG rating. A low ESG rating means a low risk that a company will suffer financial losses due to non-compliance with ESG requirements. In May 2024, K+S improved its rating to “medium risk”, thus continuing its positive development of recent years.
Rating History

The answers to the CDP questionnaire of K+S AG can be found at:


International Engagement

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

For achieving the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), companies are an important partner. K+S is actively committed to these goals. This involves the “Transformation of our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Companies can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, on the one hand, through the value contribution of their products and, on the other hand, through the Company’s own processes.

EU principles for sustainable raw materials
EU Principles

We strive for sustainability and are committed to our responsibility towards community, economy, and environment in all the regions in which we operate. Sustainability is firmly anchored in our mission statement. We are pioneers in environmentally friendly and sustainable mining. Attention to the EU principles for sustainable extraction and processing of raw materials confirms our commitment. The principles were developed and agreed by the Raw Materials Supply Group (RMSG ), the EU Commission, as well as other authorities and institutions. These principles provide a better understanding of the conditions under which sustainable raw material extraction and processing takes place in Europe.


ESG Reporting

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
TCFD Standards

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) pursues climate-related disclosure of information in the areas of governance, startegy, risk management, and metrics and targets. We support the recommendations of the TCFD and already report the following information as part of the CDP questionnaire

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
SASB Standards

The SASB standards serve as a guidance framework for the disclosure of material sustainability information in the communication of companies to their investors. SASB subdivides 77 industry standards, which can be subdivided in terms of content according to environmental, social and governance topics.  These standards are essentially intended to support the disclosure of industry-related and financially relevant sustainability information to investors. K+S is assigned to the "Chemicals" standard and reports on the following topics accordingly.


Your contact person

Beuermann esther.beuermann@k-plus-s.com
Esther Beuermann
Senior Investor Relations Manager & ESG Expert